Achievements & Rankings

Classical Charter Schools of Leland has a track record of success. In comparison to traditional public schools in North Carolina, each year, we outperform students in the surrounding counties and score well above the state average on End of Grade and End of Course Assessments. Our school has also received numerous awards, including the designation of being a Top-25 School for Academic Growth and of Excellence in the state of North Carolina. We also have a track record of success nationally on the Stanford Achievement test – consistently achieving the seventieth percentile in reading and math.

Five times a North Carolina School of Distinction
(80% of students passing End of Grade test)

North Carolina Honor School of Excellence
(90% passing EOG with High Growth)

North Carolina School of Excellence
(90% passing EOG)

Top 25 K-8 School
(out of 1,865 schools)

State Academic Awards:
2002/03 – School of Distinction
2003/04 – School of Distinction
2004/05 – High Academic Growth, Honor School of Excellence
2005/06 – High Academic Growth
2007/08 – High Academic Growth, School of Progress
2008/09 – High Academic Growth, School of Distinction
2009/10 – High Academic Growth, School of Distinction
2010/11 – Expected Growth, School of Distinction
2011/12 – School of Distinction, High Growth
2012/13 – Exceeded Growth
2013/14 – Exceeded Growth
2015/16 – Met Growth
2016/17 – Exceeded Growth

RBA Archery Team
– 9 Time State Champions

RBA Cheerleading
– 21 Time National Champions